Temperament and Travel: Advice for Travel with the Fast-Adapting Child

Here we go with the next installment of the “Temperament and Travel” series, kicking off the trait of adaptation. Do either of these sound like the little one in your life?
Fast-Adapting vs. Slow-Adapting Young Travelers
Fast-adapting – Does she adjust quickly to changes in routine or scenery, go with the flow when it’s time to change from the crib to the toddler bed, or wear the purple pajamas instead of the pink without complaint?
Slow-adapting – Does it take a while for her to sleep or eat normally in new settings? Is it a big problem if the usual nightlight, stuffed animal, or book isn’t present at bedtime?
Advice for Travel with the Fast-Adapting Child
The stars are in your favor when you travel with this child. New scenery, new foods, and new faces are generally not a problem, and may even be met with enthusiasm.
Here is the important thing to remember: Although this trait may be a great strength when it comes to traveling, be aware that it may also bring other traits closer to the surface that shouldn’t be taken for granted during travel. Remember the expression, “I’m easy to get along with…when things go my way.”
Consider, for example, a Fast-adapting child with Low Energy. She may move from one activity and destination to the next seamlessly, until suddenly her energy reserve is depleted. Without warning, she seems to melt or has a tantrum from out of the blue, and you find yourself thinking, “This isn’t like her.” Yet once she gets the rest or down time she needs, she is back to her usual self.
If she is Fast-adapting and Eager, you may need to plan a vacation with plenty of different activities and/or other children to play with to help keep her happily engaged and, if you yourself are not Fast-adapting and Eager, from driving you up a tree.
Given her fast-adapting nature, she may also be ready for kids’ clubs earlier than most, so look for resorts and cruise lines with programs that accommodate younger travelers, especially those who are not fully potty trained (see Best All-Inclusive Resorts with Children Under 5 in Travels with Baby).
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More tips and advice are on the way! For help for planning travel of every kind–with babies and children of every temperament–in Travels with Baby: The Ultimate Guide for Planning Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler.
You might also like this recent post from our sister site Family Travel 411: Screen-Free, Battery Free Toys and Games for Travel.
Read More from the Temperament and Travel Series:
Advice for Travel with a High-Energy Child
Advice for Travel with a Low-Energy Child
Advice for Travel with the Eager Child
Advice for Travel with the Cautious Child
Advice for Travel with the Very Regular Child
Advice for Travel with the Unpredictable Child
Advice for Travel with the Fast-Adapting Child
Advice for Travel with the Slow-Adapting Child
Advice for Travel with the Intense Child
Advice for Travel with the Mellow Child
Advice for Travel with the Highly Sensitive Child
Advice for Travel with the Low-Sensitivity Child
Shelly Rivoli, author of the award-winning Travels with Baby guidebooks
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