Eleven Years of Travels with Baby Tips & Resources!

Eleven Years of Travels with Baby Tips & Resources!

On this day in 2007, I published my first Travels with Baby Tips post. 😀 I’d already launched the TravelswithBaby.com site a few years before that, and the blog (then completely separate from the site on blogspot, because that’s how blogs were!) was only intended to help publicize my new book, the FIRST edition Travels…

helpful features at Family Travel 411

Four Reasons You Should Know About Family Travel 411

If you haven’t yet stopped by or subscribed to Family Travel 411–my site for independent travelers with kids of all ages–I think you’ll find there are some compelling reasons to do so. Especially if you like to travel. With kids. And are making any plans to do so any time now through their college years….

Little legs needn't dangle down that long and winding road. Let's hear it for car trips in comfort!

Pack This! The KneeGuard for Long Car Trips with Little Ones

When was the last time you had to ride in a car with your legs dangling freely for hours on end? It’s probably been a while since you could relate to the fidgity feeling many children get–and the overwhelming desire to kick at the seat in front of you. But if there’s a road trip…

Cruise with a baby or toddler? Read this first!

Five Things You Should Know Before Planning a Cruise with a Baby or Toddler

For parents that want to escape it all, lift nary a finger for meal preparation, eliminate the risk of getting lost on the way to the next destination, and never be more than a moment away from some form of entertainment, a snack, a restroom, or even a doctor–cruising is where it’s at. But before…