La Befana and her trouble-shooting small broom: An Italian holiday tradition
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La Befana and her trouble-shooting small broom: An Italian holiday tradition

Careful, kids… the Befana may fly overhead any moment and see what you’re up to! Today, Travels with Baby Traditions returns to Rome, where for centuries the children have spent this very night, Epiphany Eve, anticipating a visit from the celebrated Befana. Sharing the Italian tradition with us is Valeria Spizzichino, a native Roman, mother,…

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Taking the train overnight with a baby (FREE book giveaway)

For those who missed the earlier post, we’re looking at “Best holiday travel moments with children” this week. Post your comment to the previous post to share your own moment and possibly win a signed (and gift-wrapped if you like) copy of Travels with Baby. Details in the last post. This snapshot is from one…

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Best Holiday Travel Moments with Children: Win a Gift-wrapped, Signed Book to be Mailed Next Week

This time of year, the word “travel” is usually synonymous with long lines, heavy bags, slow traffic, and high-stress hightailing it from point A to B to get there before the tender timer pops. Traveling with children during the holidays can add a few challenges of its own, but it can also be a great…

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Travels with Baby Tip #14: Sleep in.

Sure, you probably gave up on the idea somewhere between months 3 and 4 of parenthood, or possibly months 8 and 9, or years 2 and 3? And now, it’s hard to imagine a family vacation as being anything less hectic than family life at home. Night waking, early risers, picky eaters, and fearless explorers…

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Travels with Baby Tip #13: Rent Baby Gear

If having a crib, baby swing, child safety gate, or an exersaucer at your destination could make the difference between a happy holiday or a ho-ho-horrible one, don’t chance it. Reserve the gear you need in advance with a local rental agency. While some agencies carry just the basics: portacribs or play yards, strollers, car…