travel guidebooks by Shelly Rivoli

Travel Guidebooks by Shelly Rivoli

The award-winning family travel books by Shelly Rivoli

book awards for author Shelly Rivoli

Here’s a closer look at the family travel guidebooks by author Shelly Rivoli, founder of the and websites and blogs. This post contains affiliate links to the author’s guidebooks.

Hiking with Kids Southern California:

45 Great Hikes for Families

Hiking with Kids Southern California guidebook by Shelly Rivoli

By Shelly Rivoli, 6 x 9, Rowman & Littlefield, 256 pages

Want to plan an unforgettable national parks vacation for your family? Hiking with Kids Southern California: 45 Great Hikes for Families guides you to the best hikes with kids in Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, and Channel Islands national parks in addition to many other bucket list California destinations.

Through forty-five curated hikes with maps and color photographs, Hiking with Kids Southern California provides more than just an inspiring collection of hikes for families. It’s a collection of unforgettable explorations to enjoy from toddlerhood through the teen years across the diverse landscapes and unique ecosystems of southern California.

Hiking with Kids Southern California received the Bronze Award in Travel Books from the North American Travel Journalists Association.


Travels with Baby:

The Ultimate Guide for Planning Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler

By Shelly Rivoli, 2nd edition, Travels with Baby Books, 420 pages

The “ultimate planning guide” for sure, Travels with Baby will help with every trip you’ll take with your child from birth to 5 years. Shelly’s award-winning tips and advice cover:

  • Air Travel
  • Road Trips
  • Cruises
  • Train Travel in the U.S., Canada & Europe
  • Overseas & International Travel
  • Camping
  • Health & Safety
  • Changes in Feeding & Sleeping Routines
  • Travel Logistics & Gear Advice.

Travels with Baby by Shelly Rivoli is the Winner of a Lowell Thomas Award, the Gold Prize from the North American Travel Journalists Association, and a Silver Award in the National Parenting Publication Awards for Parenting Resources. Available in Paperback and eBook editions


Take-Along Travels with Baby:

Hundreds of Tips to Help During Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler

cover of Take-Along Travels with Baby guidebook by Shelly Rivoli

By Shelly Rivoli, Pocket Size, Travels with Baby Books, 150 pages – Available as a Kindle eBook

The sanity-saving ebook every parent should have in their phone! Take-Along Travels with Baby: Hundreds of Tips to Help During Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler is packed with literally hundreds of tips and helpful checklists to help as you travel with your child from birth to 5 years. Also includes easy fill-in the blank pages to help record your travel details and your travel memories you’ll cherish years from now.

Take-Along Travels with Baby is the winner of the Rising Star Award in the National Parenting Publication Awards and a Finalist in the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards.