Photo Fave: Huggies Hawaiian outtakes + travel tips

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Huggies Hawaiian Little Movers diaper on the move in Kauai
Huggies Hawaiian Little Movers diaper on the move in Kauai.

Picture me in Kauai on the other end of this camera, pulling my hair out, during these first attempts at photographing the new Huggies Hawaiian diaper in paradise.

Toddler on the move in Kauai As most of you are aware by now, I’ve had the honor of being spokesperson for Huggies’ Every Little Bottom campaign these past few months, offering vacation travel tips, tips for diapering during travel, and spreading the word about this great program benefitting the National Diaper Bank Network and Foodbanks Canada.

As the limited-edition Huggies Hawaiian Diapers and Wipes program comes to a close, with Huggies donating a day’s worth of diapers to families in need for each pack sold, I had to look back on some of the lighter moments… like this.

My little guy was so jazzed to finally be wearing “The Hawaiian Diaper” he’d heard us talking about for months – in this very exciting place also called Hawaii! – he would not hold still for a picture. Not a chance. On a wide open lawn framed by tropical flora, he raced and laughed, chased his sisters, raced and laughed some more. The clouds moved in, the sun lowered, the photos blurred. He would not hold still.

Huggies Hawaiian diapers in Kauai travelswithbaby.comAs I looked back through the first photos recently, I had to laugh. Of course! Could you find a more perfect representation of “Huggies Hawaiian Little Movers”?! 

Days later, I got the great photo *I LOVE,* which you may have seen here. Though you’ll see he’s still on the move in that photo, too!

There’s still a little time left to get your hands on Huggies Hawaiian Diapers and Wipes in stores and online – and remember it’s about more than a cute diaper. For every pack sold during this campaign, Huggies Every Little Bottom is donating a day’s worth of diapers to families in need — up to 22.5 million diapers!

Huggies Every Little Bottom logoWant help simplifying diapering during travel? Don’t miss these tips:

Need tips for planning your family’s travels to Hawaii? Don’t miss these:

Safe journeys,

Shelly Rivoli

Author of the award-winning Travels with Baby and Take-Along Travels with Baby   facebook   twitter   about the author  

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