Simplify diaper changes on airplanes with a handy “diaper purse”

When setting out to travel with a baby, it can be tempting to pack everything including the kitchen sink—or at least the infant bathtub that fits it. And when you’ll be flying with your baby, what more logical place could there be to keep it all than in your diaper bag?
That is, until you hear the rhythmical thud of said overstuffed satchel whapping the aisle seats—and fellow passengers—as you make your way to the lavatory aft with your infant in your arms.
At last you reach the lavatory, the one with the diaper changing table inside. Except, you find as you cross the threshold while clinging to your wee traveler, you can’t actually reach the lavatory changing table because the commodious diaper bag is trapped on the opposite side of the folding doorway.
With babe in arms, you stand caught between what seemed like responsible parenting (packed and ready for anything in flight) and enlightenment (I could have left 90% of this back at my seat).
My friend, you need a “diaper purse.”
- With just a couple of diapers, a travel-size pack of wipes, and a small tube of diaper cream in your travel purse, you’ll have everything you need to get the job done efficiently (just use a fresh paper towel from the lavatory to line the changing table).
- Better still, wear a cross-body purse to keep these essentials handy at your hip (instead of on a wet or otherwise questionable surface) and both hands free to the task.
- Just remember to re-stock your diaper purse as neededfrom your diaper bag or day pack, and you’ll always be ready for changes on the fly.
Dress your own baby cute for a cause - click to read how these limited-edition diapers help babies in need. Mahalo!
Want to do an even better deed and help a family in need?
Pack along these limited-edition Huggies Hawaiian Diapers and Wipes this summer, and Huggies Every Little Bottom will donate a day’s worth of diapers to the National Diaper Bank Network for each pack sold! Follow the links below for more information and please help me spread the word about this great program.
Related posts and pages:
Dressed cute for a cause in Kauai
Go Hawaiian and help diaper a baby in need – for FREE!
Index to Tips for flying with Babies and Toddlers
Many more tips for diapering on the go in Take-Along Travels with Baby.
Safe journeys,
Shelly Rivoli
Author of the award-winning Travels with Baby and Take-Along Travels with Baby facebook twitter about the author
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