Here is a snapshot from a favorite Mother’s Day when nobody greeted me with breakfast in bed (not that I am opposed to that in the least). I started the day with a jetlagged baby deciding we should rise before breakfast was even offered on our cruise ship: the Costa Fortuna. It was one of those days in our cruise itinerary when we weren’t expecting much… a small port town in northern Italy called “Savona,” which we’d not heard much about… and we decided that rather than planning an excursion to another town that day, we would just stay very low key, taking turns minding our tot and enjoying the ship (steam room!), practicing our Italian with the natives onboard, and catching some lunch in town. When I hit the deck with my tot at dawn, however, I could not believe my eyes. A miniature world of hillside homes, balconies, and flower pots were coming into view, as residents threw open their shutters on the start of a new day.
It was a good reminder that travelers have arrived in European ports far, far longer than in airports or train stations. It was a postcard greeting, and I waved back. By the time we docked at Savona, surrounded by sailboats, the enchantment was complete: We were able to walk off the ship right into the small harbor and town—where a pedestrian draw bridge was raised to accommodate the mast of a sailboat, a weekend market was in progress, and a steep hike through a neighborhood led us up to a hilltop church and views over Savona. It was a perfect day.
If you’re considering taking a cruise with your baby, toddler, or preschooler, be sure to check out Part 7 of
Travels with Baby, with the New Parents’ Guide to Cruise Lines, planning, and packing advice specific to families with young children. This post is part of Photo Friday at
Here’s wishing you a happy Mother’s Day!
Safe journeys,
Shelly Rivoli
Author of Travels with Baby and the new Take-Along Travels with Baby Travels with Baby on Facebook
All content of this blog (c) Shelly Rivoli