Your questions: Travel bed for toddler in Hawaii; car seat for taxis in New York City?

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Phil & Ted traveller bed for baby or toddler
What are the chances I'd have a photo of my toddler in his travel bed in Kauai? Here's the Phil & Ted Traveller full-size travel crib in action.

Travels with Baby Tips readers, these traveling parents need your help. Here are two questions recently posted to the Travels with Baby Facebook page. I’ve included some suggestions of my own, and hope those of you with related advice and experience will chime in, too, by adding comments below or joining the threads on the Facebook page.

Got a travel dilemma of your own? Email me your question (or quandary) or post to the facebook page. Here we go!

QUESTION 1 – Shelley asks:

My daughter is going to be almost three when we travel to Hawaii in January. She won’t be using a pack n play anymore because she is too long but probably will still be using her crib. Any suggestions for the hotel sleeping accommodations for you well travelled moms with toddlers who are too big for the hotel cribs/pack n plays? She may need to be corralled a little bit to keep her safe.

My suggestions:

If you’ll have an extra bed at the hotel, check out the inflatable bed rail at

I’m still using our Phil & Ted travellerat 3.5 -great because longer than pack n plays + lighter / smaller packing. 3rd idea is to rent a toddler travel bed from a local gear rental agency – find your island in the directory at

If you aren’t totally settled on the airbed, you might also consider the Peapod Plus if that’s easier to come by (or rent) in Canada. I’ve also had good experiences with it and there are times it’s nice to know it will help keep bugs off of them while they sleep. 😉 More on this and other toddler travel beds at

SHARE YOUR ADVICE – To see the full facebook conversation thread with additional comments and feedback, click here, or please leave a comment below.


QUESTION 2 – Ashley asks:

Looking for suggestions on what to do about a car seat (for taxis) while in NYC for a week. My little one is 13 months…. 

My suggestions:

If you’ll be inManhattan most of the time, I’m guessing your concern is mostly the taxi ride to and from your airport. If so, check out this post on NYC airport taxi services providing car seats (click here). Depending on other aspects of your travels (would it also be helpful to have a car seat on the plane, a dining booster w/5-point harness when eating out, etc), you might also consider the Sit N Stroll combination car seat / stroller (I was just using mine again last weekend!). Read the detailed review of the Sit N Stroll here

Otherwise, you might find it easiest to get around downtown with a lightweight travel stroller. Don’t miss Tips for taking the New York City subway with a stroller here. More NYC with baby / toddler travel tips in Travels with Baby Destinations.

SHARE YOUR ADVICE – Please leave a comment below with your recommendations or add to this thread on the facebook page.

Safe journeys,

Shelly Rivoli

Author of the award-winning Travels with Baby and Take-Along Travels with Baby   facebook   twitter   about the author   

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