Baby not sleeping on an airplane, riding in the FlyeBaby air travel hammock.

Ask Shelly: Tips for helping a baby sleep on an airplane – and stay asleep?

Advice for helping a baby sleep on an airplane? This is the million-dollar question of most parents flying with a baby – right along with how to keep them sleeping once you are lucky enough to get them there… Here is a recent reader question I’m sure many of you will appreciate. Hi Shelly: Do you have…

Jetlagged baby? No problem. They may adjust more quickly than you think (or you do)!

Ask Shelly: How to help a baby adjust to a 9-hour time change and jet lag?

Up for the sunrise in Phuket, Thailand – your baby might make it easier to get up on time than you expect! Since the topic of SLEEP (and its ugly cousin Jet Lag) comes up very frequently when I talk with parents planning travel, I thought this question (posted to the Travels with Baby facebook…


Ask Shelly: Will Southwest Airlines let me use the Baby B’Air vest for my lap child?

This question comes from an Australian mom who will be traveling extensively with her 11-month-old, including internal U.S. flights. (For more about flying Southwest Airlines with a baby or toddler, see this post.)   Hi Shelly, First, thank you so much for your informative blog.  It’s been a godsend so far in preparing to travel…

Ask Shelly: Where to spend a 1-month vacation with our 1-year-old?

Barcelona with our 14-month-old, catching a game of boules en route to a cafe con leche. Hi Shelly, We have an 8 month old infant (born mid July) and a one month vacation coming up and can’t decide where to go that will satisfy all of our needs. Some initial thoughts were Australia, Belize, Mexico…