Photo Fave: Paris with Baby

Home » Photo fave » Photo Fave: Paris with Baby
Atop the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France.

Seeing this one never fails to give me a lift.

If I were Oprah, I’d fill up an AirFrance jet with each of you and your little ones and head straightaway to Paris. The flight may be a bit noisy, but we’d all be in good company–and what a playdate at 30,000 feet! When we got there, naturally, our sponsor Air France would chauffer us around in their big buses to the 5 Best with Children Under 5 in Paris (map included below for the driver’s reference!). Of course, there are so many other great sights to see in Paris with little ones that we could try and check as many off the list as possible while there.

How about you?
Have you visited any of the “5 Best Paris”? And what else would you add to the recommendations for our Paris with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers page? Add your suggestions below or email me to have them included–and bloggers feel free to include a link to a related post!

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Safe journeys,

Shelly Rivoli
Author of Travels with Baby and the new Take-Along Travels with Baby   Travels with Baby on Facebook

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