
"Sick Season" Tips for Travel with Babies and Young Children

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After spending an hour and a half in the car with my kids yesterday, creeping through neighborhood streets behind a hospital, we finally arrived at a drive-thru flu shot clinic and the elusive H1N1 shots were ours! Well, they were my children’s at least. Talk about service–the nurse even climbed into the back of the van to keep us out of the rain. A little bizarre, but better than dragging the three kids into a waiting room filled with sick people. Plus, I will feel much better leaving the country in a week knowing that swine flu and its complications are less likely to be a problem for my baby and young children while we’re away—and after we return.
I know that many of you are gearing up for holiday and/or vacation travel in the next two months, and H1N1 is just one more concern when it comes to your child’s health while you’re away. Since it seems lately like I’ve written tips and spoken on the topic of healthy travels with children ad nauseam (pardon the expression), I’ll just point to some of my favorites here that might help you plan—and gain peace of mind—as you prepare for travel with your child during the cold and flu season.

Here are some topical sections from Travels with Baby (the book):
  • Chapter 3 – Tips for packing your child’s travel kit (don’t leave home without it).
  • Chapter 7 – Some good pre-trip tips for healthy travels, along with mentions of useful products and gear that travel easily to pack along in case of illness.
  • Chapter 9 – Some great (if I do say so myself) advice on getting medical help while you’re away, treating common travel ailments and illnesses, and includes “A Traveler’s Guide to Ear Infections.”
And above: A related appearance I made last winter on ABC’s The View from the Bay.
As always, you’ll find plenty more tips on Traveler’s Health and other topics on my FAQs and Popular Topics page.
And if you’re traveling with kids from 18 months to 10 years old, don’t forget! I’m giving away two “My Busy Kits” ($25 and $15 values) to help ease travel with your kids! Click here for details.
Safe journey,
Shelly Rivoli, author of the award-winning guide Travels with Baby

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