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Photo Fave: Night view from the Westin Bonaventure, Los Angeles

Home » California » Photo Fave: Night view from the Westin Bonaventure, Los Angeles
A room with a great night view at the Westin Bonaventure, Los Angeles.
Believe it or not, just days after we’d finished what was to be the last road trip of the summer, where I subjected my young children to 7 hours of driving on the final day, but it being well worth it (come on, a gray whale in a RIVER? Driving our car through a TREE? Petting sharks?)–we were suddenly presented with a great and unexpected opportunity for adventure–which meant waking the kids, packing the family, and being buckled into the car with one hour’s notice. (You might recall I have always been a fan of the Amazing Race (with baby?)!)
It’s a long story, but we pulled it off! However, the expected 7-hour drive turned into 9 with a flat tire at the Fresno County line, and it was the day I broke all my own rules as far as traveling unplugged (more on that another time). We needed movies, and lots of them. Not to mention air-conditioning and the cold sticky things mom didn’t allow in the new car just the week before.
By the time we reached downtown L.A., it was as if my kids were completely jet-lagged from traveling half-way around the world in an airplane, although we had traveled the entire day in the back seat of the car in our own time zone. Thankfully, the Westin Bonaventure in downtown L.A., with its glass elevators and the view from our hotel room windows, provided plenty of late-night entertainment for the young ones.
In the morning, we were rewarded with a view of the HOLLYWOOD sign right there on the hills in the background!
Need some road trip tips for the long drive with your family? Check out FAQs and Popular topics, Part 4 of Travels with Baby and get them by the dozen to keep in the glovebox (or on your favorite device) in Take-Along Travels with Baby
Safe journeys,
Shelly Rivoli
Author of the award-winning Travels with Baby guidebooks

All content of this blog (c) Shelly Rivoli 2007 – 2011

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