It’s here! Travels with Baby is now available at,, and

What’s got 418 pages, 58 photos, 25 chapters, 8 packing and check lists, 3 tables, and one huge reason to be on your Amazon wish list?
The new revised and expanded Travels with Baby: The Ultimate Guide for Planning Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler is now available at!
And to my friends abroad, it is also online now at, (wow! it’s currently at #99 in Family Travel books there!),, and rolling on out from there!
Thanks so much to any of you reading this who may have already purchased the guide – I look forward to your feedback (and Amazon reviews!)! 😉

There’s still time to enter to winthe new guide and CARES flight harness I’m giving away. Share your comment to the blog post (click here) by midnight tonight – and I’ll announce the winner tomorrow!
Safe journeys,
Shelly Rivoli, author of the award-winning Travels with Baby guidebooks facebook twitter about the author
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