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Five ways my "Take-Along Travels with Baby" will help on this family road trip

Home » books » Five ways my "Take-Along Travels with Baby" will help on this family road trip

Ever wonder if an author ever uses his own guidebook? Here are five ways I’ll be using my new Take-Along Travels with Baby to help on our imminent road trip—which starts with more than 10 hours of driving over the next two days!
1. Easy songs to sing in the car – Tired of starting a round of singing with your kids only to get stuck on the lyrics? Polly Wolly Doodle, you are mine. All six verses, baby. (I promise not to publish a podcast.)

2. Games for family car trips – Most of the traditional road trip games are easier said than played for those with toddlers and preschoolers in the car. My list includes some that will work for both. Personally, I’m looking forward to playing “Animal Ambassadors” today. Cross your fingers that they let me play Commander in Chief of Cows.

3. Favorite fair-weather road stops – I think I have these pretty well planned for this trip, but it never hurts to have a list of back-up ideas in case things start to get a little dicey with the 2-year-old. And while I’m not planning on encountering foul weather, I know we’ve got a list of ideas there if we need them, too. Oops – almost forgot to grab the bubbles for the Rest Area.

4. Checking-in safety checklist – We’ll be staying at three different places, two that are completely unfamiliar to all of us and one that, though we know it ourselves, will be all new on arrival to our toddler. Arriving road-weary with three monkeys bouncing on the bed and off the ceiling, it’s nice to have a quick list of the main safety points to run through—before the toddler does.

5. Our trip notes – I’ll also be flipping to the pages specific to this trip for our family, where I’ve jotted important details (reservation numbers, phone numbers) to have at a glance, and where I’ll also be filling in the blanks about our family’s adventure to help us all remember our favorite moments, quotes, and experiences along the way.

If you don’t have your copy of Take-Along Travels with Baby yet, remember you can get 20% off the cover price and qualify for FREE Super Saver Shipping (or use your Amazon Prime) when you buy direct from Travels with Baby Books (see link below).

It’s also available in ebook editions for the Kindle (and Android, iPad, etc.) or Barnes and Noble NOOK.

Post Script (P.S.) – I’d written this post in advance since I wasn’t sure I’d have a chance to post on the go before Tip Tuesday. I’m happy to say we’ve made the first two legs of the journey and are having a great time! And in case you were wondering, the official greeting recognized by cows on both sides of the border is “Good mooooooooorning!” regardless of time of day. Cows, it turns out, are fairly relaxed in most of their scheduling, except when it comes to the business of milking. With this, I would suspect, many of us can sympathize.

Safe journeys,
Shelly Rivoli
Author of the award-winning Travels with Baby guidebooks

All content of this blog (c) Shelly Rivoli 2007 – 2011 Safe journeys,

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