Photo Fave: Central Park’s Alice in Wonderland sculpture – the first time
All content of this blog (c) Shelly Rivoli 2007 – 2011
All content of this blog (c) Shelly Rivoli 2007 – 2011
Thinking about Rome’s lovely tradition of the Befana this week (read all about it here) brought up some fun memories for me–like this day trip to Pompeii. Hope your New Year is off to a great start, and keep watching here for tips to fit more travel into your family’s New Year. Got a…
The few, the proud, the crazy couch racers of Silverton, Oregon. Last year I finally got to watch the “Davenport Races” – one of the quirkiest highlights of the Homer Davenport Days celebrated each year in Silverton, Oregon (also known as the “couch races”). If that weren’t fun enough, I had the pleasure of watching…
I’m a sentimentalist. In the side pocket of an ugly old purse I seldom use tucked in the back corner of my closet, I still keep a used Metro ticket from my first visit to Paris. In my dress-up coat, which is very rarely worn (I assure you, especially now with three children), I keep…
Sure you can skip the line at a handful of Paris landmarks by simply showing up with a child in a stroller (tell me you shouldn’t take small kids to Paris?!), but here’s an even better trick for making the most of your family’s time and travel budget during your Paris vacation. Found it! Another favorite painting…
Traveling with babies and young children can present many logistical challenges. Keeping that spark of romance alive and well, let alone fanning it into a flame during a family vacation, may sound like a ridiculous proposition on top of everything else to negotiate. Still, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in traveling with a baby,…
Our latest trip in a nutshell (no, not around-the-world in a walnut!): Those of you following me on Facebook or Twitter may have caught wind of the whirlwind past couple of weeks, during which we adventured to Maui and Molokai, snorkeled with sea turtles, beached with whales, conquered the Road to Hana, and occupied 5…