Pack This! Kaboost Chair Booster for Travel with Toddlers and Preschoolers

Table time can be tricky with little ones for any number of reasons. From infants who can’t yet sit up unassisted through babies who love to wear (and have you share) their food, through toddlers who want to climb out of any strap-in high chair or buckle-in booster for travel you may try (click here to see recommendations for travel-friendly dining boosters and solutions for the youngest travelers). But what I liked about the Kaboost on first sight was how clean, simple, and dignified a solution it was for the older toddlers and preschoolers–and kindergarteners–who will tell you themselves they are TOO BIG for a high chair or “baby booster” and just simply need–well, a few more inches of height at the table.
The Kaboost gives them just that: Two settings offer tiny diners a bonus 3.75″ or 4.5″ in height at the dinner table, and the quick-install spring-loaded base works with pretty much any size or type of four-legged chair you can imagine (expands up to 30″ diagonally). It’s recommended for children 2 years to 6 years in age.

And if you’re wondering how sturdy it is, consider this: The Kaboost not only adds stability to many chairs by making a lightly wider base with non-slip rubber feet, but it is also designed to support 300 lbs. (petite grownups may also appreciate Kaboost).
Yes, this can simplify kitchen life and dining at home, but do not overlook the awesome ease with which the Kaboost may travel. It weighs a mere 3.5 lbs. and folds to 13″ x 12″ x 6″, so you’d be silly to leave home without it.
Let’s face it. Kids are happier at restaurants and tidier at Grandma’s when they can see the food on their plates from more than eye level.

But don’t just take my word for it. The Kaboost has earned a FIVE star average out of 1,262 Amazon customer reviews! Click here to see the Kaboost on Amazon. (Thank you! Your click-throughs help support this site.)
Click here for more Pack This! recommendations for travel with kids under 5, and don’t miss our Great Products & Gear recommendations of the best car seats, strollers, travel beds, travel childproofing solutions and more at
Previous post: Five Things You Should Know Before Planning a Cruise with a Baby or Toddler
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Shelly Rivoli, author of the award-winning Travels with Baby guidebooks
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