More holiday travel-with-kid tips than you can shake a peppermint stick at…

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toddler  at the airport in red pajamas from
Above: All is merry and bright when you travel in red PJs and get an honorary badge from the SFPD.

Thanks again everyone who voted and made a top finalist in the Red Tricycle Totally Awesome Awards (results here). You are SO getting rewarded for your kind votes in the New Year!

As I get ready to enjoy a holiday hiatus, I thought I would leave you with links to some of the best holiday travel-related tips I’ve offered here over the… past five years(?!). Remember, you can also use the handy search box (upper right) to look for info specific to your travel plans.

General holiday travel:

Flying with your baby or toddler?

Holiday road trip tips:

IMPORTANT: If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to contact your state’s representatives online and tell them you support the federal ban on assault weapons to be proposed in congress in early January (click here for their contact pages). Here’s wishing all of you on the road, in the air, at sea, and at home a safe and merry holiday season.

Safe journeys,

Shelly Rivoli

Author of the award-winning Travels with Baby and Take-Along Travels with Baby   facebook   twitter   about the author  

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