Get (at least) one round-trip ticket with a new mileage credit card
With the right card your family may board its next flight a little faster. |
FAQs and popular topics for travel with young children
With the right card your family may board its next flight a little faster. |
Dinosaurs. That may be all you need to know—or mention to your young children before you set out for London’s Natural History Museum. And if there’s an interest, there will not be disappointment. Sure, you may go other places where dino-skeletal displays are present and even pleasing, but strolling a cat walk at eye-level with…
Let me start by saying… I’m so excited about this new project for! Okay, whew. Now let me add… I’m so excited for my next trip to Paris! Because like you I will be so much better prepared for visiting Paris with a toddler. And when I do, you can bet I will be…
Many travelers are surprised to learn that Costa Rica, though still categorized as a developing nation and famed for its rugged and largely unpaved roads, has car seat laws. What may surprise traveling parents even more, however, is to learn that those car seat and safety booster laws are actually stricter than current child passenger…
Flying alone with a baby or toddler requires the swift dexterity of an octopus. And in the days and weeks ahead of your flight, it’s easy to get bogged down in the logistical what-ifs? Some questions you may be asking if you’ll be a solo parent making the flight … with a baby or toddler:…
I received this note from a reader and thought my response might be helpful to a number of you. I am traveling to India with my 2 year old for a couple of weeks. The flight is crazy long—it adds up to almost 30 hours of travel time. Any recommendations? We plan to bring his…
If you’re looking for screen-free alternatives to help keep your child entertained on an upcoming flight, road trip, camping trip, train ride, cruise (when wouldn’t these come in handy?!) … consider these favorite travel toys for young children. No charging cord or batteries required! And better still, these travel toys will help keep your child’s…