Thanksgiving in Andalucía

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Paella in Nerja, Spain

Although I’ve had some amazing Thanksgiving dinners in my life, including the one my mother whipped up for us a couple of weeks before the holiday proper this year (thanks, Mom!), I’ll always remember this year’s official Turkey Day—without turkey—with an extra twinkle in my eye.

Cooking paella outdoors in Nerja, SpainTim and I toasted the American holiday with San Miguel beer and Rioja wine, then dove headfirst into this delicious paella, cooked beachside in the Andalucían town of Nerja, Spain. It’s almost as much fun to watch the giant batches like this cooking up at the outdoor restaurants as it is to eat the end product.

Though our young children were not as appreciative of the paella as we were (yes, the shrimp have legs—and eyes), it was not a problem. The lovely senora serving us brought beautiful fresh-baked breads, apples, and sweet leche fría for the children.
And when they finished? There was plenty of sand to keep them busy while mom and dad looked on, chewed, and counted their many blessings—including the three little ones chasing each other in circles around palm trees.

Safe journey,

Shelly Rivoli, author of the award-winning guide Travels with Baby    facebook

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