Ask Shelly: Use car seat for overnight flight with toddler—or lap?

Ask Shelly: Use car seat for overnight flight with toddler—or lap?

Here is one of those “million dollar” questions I know many of us face at one time or another, recently posted to the Travels with Baby wall on Facebook: Hey there – We are flying to Brazil in May. The flight will be from 8pm to 10:30am. Prime sleep time. I’m trying to figure out…

Pack This! Halo Sleepsack for safer, saner travel with a baby

Pack This! Halo Sleepsack for safer, saner travel with a baby

I was chatting with a mom just the other day and, before I knew it, I’d come out with at least 3 reasons I loved to use a Halo Sleepsack during travel with a baby-through-early-toddler. Here’s the top one. You might already know it as a safe solution to blankets for back-sleeping babies, but during…

Baby not sleeping on an airplane, riding in the FlyeBaby air travel hammock.

Ask Shelly: Tips for helping a baby sleep on an airplane – and stay asleep?

Advice for helping a baby sleep on an airplane? This is the million-dollar question of most parents flying with a baby – right along with how to keep them sleeping once you are lucky enough to get them there… Here is a recent reader question I’m sure many of you will appreciate. Hi Shelly: Do you have…