
Photo Fave: Jamaica sea kayaks – don’t worry

Home » culture » Photo Fave: Jamaica sea kayaks – don’t worry
Two if by sea – and with help of Vacation Nanny.

This blog has been sailing along at a pretty steady clip since the new year, but last week my little guy got hit by the flu and some things had to slide–including a little childcare I was planning on to help get some projects finished. As I started to stress out about some deadlines and other things I had imagined going vastly differently last week, I had to remind myself, “What good is being self-employed if you can’t take a couple of sick days now and then–especially for your kids?” I know, self-employed people and stay-at-home moms everywhere laugh heartily.

Nevertheless, as I held my feverish tot to me in the 48th hour and stared at my nelected laptop across the kitchen where my screensaver flashed images of past travels, this one from our stay at Franklyn D. Resort caught my eye. “Oh, yes. Jamaica.”

It was within my first two hours of being in Jamaica that I had a blazing flash of insight: Americans walk like they have sticks up their butts! 😉 Forgive the crude, Middle-school-esque phrase, but if you have spent some time in “Mediterranean time,” or “Tico time,” or “Island time” in general, you probably know what I mean.

I think you carry yourself differently when you spend your days in a highly litigious society founded largely by Puritans. This is not to discredit the litigators or Puritans who have contributed much to the United States’ culture and history… but thank goodness we’ve had other influences for our music and dance heritage.

And on that note, you just try leaving Jamaica without strains of, “Don’t worry… about a thing… ’cause every little thing… is gonna be all right,” passing through your mind–and even your body–both night and day. So as the Jamaica slide show continued on the abandoned computer and I fought a cramp in my bicep supporting the 23 lbs. or pure love in my arms I’d worried over for two days and nights, I took a deep breath, loosened up a little, and I began to sing.

You know the tune.

How about you?
Where have you gone that made you rethink how you handle situations at home?

Related posts and pages:
Vacation Nanny 411
Review of Franklyn D. Resort & Spa
Tips for visiting Dunn’s River Falls with small children

Safe journeys,

Shelly Rivoli
Author of Travels with Baby and the new Take-Along Travels with Baby
https://travelswithbaby.com/    Travels with Baby on Facebook

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