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Pack along a few books for Costa Rica’s kids

Home » books » Pack along a few books for Costa Rica’s kids
Traveling to Costa Rica? Please consider bringing some school supplies for kids 6 to 12 years. 

While planning our family’s first stop in Costa Rica, the Hotel Buena Vista (see my detailed review here), I was excited to learn out about the “Bring a Bag of Books” program the hotel is promoting. Since Costa Rica’s government doesn’t supply schools with text books and learning supplies, there is a LOT tourists can do to help—and it all starts with that little corner in your suitcase reserved for souvenirs.

Books in Spanish are especially needed (even that Spanish-English dictionary you might bring with you can help), though math flash cards, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, pencil sharpeners—all things you can probably find down at your local Dollar Store—are very much appreciated as well. I was tickled to find these storybooks at my Target that are written in both Spanish and English—and didn’t add too much weight to our stuffed suitcases. To that we added two packages of colorful construction paper, crayons, pencils, and glue sticks.

We were disappointed that, due to the timing of our stay and the Easter holidays (and that is a multi-day process in Costa Rica!), the school was closed and we were not able to visit to deliver our goods in person. The Hotel Buena Vista took care of this for us, but you may be able to take your school supplies directly if you like—one school is located next door!

For more information about “Bring a Bag of Books” in the Alajuela area, see the Hotel Buena Vista’s info page and contact them directly (email link included). The Pura Vida Hotel is also promoting the same cause in the area (more here).
If you aren’t traveling to Costa Rica in the near future, but would like to help this cause, consider sending a donation of reading materials in an “airmail M bag” via U.S. Post. You can send up to 11 lbs. of printed material to a single address in Costa Rica for $46.20 (each additional pound is $4.20 with limit of 66 lbs.).

Safe journeys,

Shelly Rivoli
Author of Travels with Baby and the new Take-Along Travels with Baby
https://travelswithbaby.com/   Travels with Baby on Facebook

Related posts and pages:
5 ways to ease your arrival in Costa Rica with kids
Traveler beware: Car seat laws in Costa Rica are stricter than in the U.S.
5 Best: Nicoya Peninsula’s 5 Best with Kids Under 5

5 things I wish I’d known before moving my kids to Costa Rica
Review of the Buena Vista Hotel, Alajuela (San Jose), Costa Rica

All content of this blog (c) Shelly Rivoli

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