
Guess who’s a finalist in the Book of the Year Awards?!

Home » book awards » Guess who’s a finalist in the Book of the Year Awards?!

I’m thrilled to share the news that the newest Travels with Baby guidebook has been selected as a finalist in the Travel Guides category in ForeWord Magazine’s Book of the Year Awards.
(Booyah! Woot!)
This is a great honor for any independent publisher, and I remember feeling slightly like I had Jello in my knees back when I got the news that the first Travels with Baby had been chosen as a finalist in not one but two categories of the Book of the Year Awards and appeared alongside titles from Rough Guides and The American Academy of Pediatrics, among others. 
As my husband said with raised eyebrows, “They’ve got no idea how independent you are!”
As with the first guide, I honestly had no idea how seriously this slim, pocket-size “survival manual for parents” would be taken beyond the audience I wrote it for, and boy, oh howdy, it’s nice to be  noticed like this.
Thanks for the big stamp of approval, ForeWord BOTYA judges! And thanks to all of you who have shown your support for these books!

Shelly Rivoli
Author of Travels with Baby and the new Take-Along Travels with Baby
travelswithbaby.com    Travels with Baby on Facebook  

All content of this blog (c) Shelly Rivoli 2007 – 2011

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