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How to keep your toddler or preschooler entertained during an airport layover – while you enjoy a cup of coffee

If you don’t yet have your copy of the new Take-Along Travels with Baby, you have no idea what you’re missing. When I say it has “Hundreds of Tips to Help During Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler,” it’s no exaggeration. And that it fits in the side pocket of your diaper bag or…

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Tips for traveling by ferry from Puntarenas to Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula

Clearly one of the highlights of our entire Costa Rica adventure was our time spent on the Nicoya Peninsula on the Pacific coast (read all about the amazing first house where we stayed here). To get to the Nicoya Peninsula from central Costa Rica, including San Jose, you will either catch a short flight to Tambor…

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Pack along a few books for Costa Rica’s kids

Traveling to Costa Rica? Please consider bringing some school supplies for kids 6 to 12 years.  While planning our family’s first stop in Costa Rica, the Hotel Buena Vista (see my detailed review here), I was excited to learn out about the “Bring a Bag of Books” program the hotel is promoting. Since Costa Rica’s government doesn’t…

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Tips for visiting London’s Natural History Museum with young children

Dinosaurs. That may be all you need to know—or mention to your young children before you set out for London’s Natural History Museum. And if there’s an interest, there will not be disappointment. Sure, you may go other places where dino-skeletal displays are present and even pleasing, but strolling a cat walk at eye-level with…

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Traveler beware: Car seat laws in Costa Rica are stricter than those in the U.S.

Many travelers are surprised to learn that Costa Rica, though still categorized as a developing nation and famed for its rugged and largely unpaved roads, has car seat laws. What may surprise traveling parents even more, however, is to learn that those car seat and safety booster laws are actually stricter than current child passenger…