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Travels with Baby Tip #18: Pack "Glow Sticks"

Having the power knocked out here at home for 17 straight hours was a great reminder of one very good item to have tucked into your suitcase while you’re away. In Travels with Baby, I recommend packing emergency glow sticks as a help while camping in tents and staying other places where nightlights are not…

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Travels with Baby Tip #14: Sleep in.

Sure, you probably gave up on the idea somewhere between months 3 and 4 of parenthood, or possibly months 8 and 9, or years 2 and 3? And now, it’s hard to imagine a family vacation as being anything less hectic than family life at home. Night waking, early risers, picky eaters, and fearless explorers…

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Travels with Baby Tip #13: Rent Baby Gear

If having a crib, baby swing, child safety gate, or an exersaucer at your destination could make the difference between a happy holiday or a ho-ho-horrible one, don’t chance it. Reserve the gear you need in advance with a local rental agency. While some agencies carry just the basics: portacribs or play yards, strollers, car…