Search Results for: label/Pack This


Pack this! Organic baby food pouches for travel by plane, train, or car

True confessions: Not sure what exactly I would find in Thailand, especially after we headed out of Bangkok, I packed several glass jars of organic baby food in a heavy-duty Ziploc bag in one of our checked suitcases. Did it add a bit of extra weight? Heck ya. Did any of it break or leak?…

April / May Roundup

I know everyone’s been busy on the bridge between spring break and summer’s anticipated arrival (ahem, rain clouds, you can leave now), so here is a recap of Travels with Baby topics and news. In the Blog: Awards?! This blog that I humbly thank you for subscribing to was named to two prestigious lists –…

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Pack This! BedBugz inflatable bed rail for travel with toddlers and little kids

What I love best about the BedBugz inflatable bed rail – aside from the fact that thanks to it I no longer have to sleep with one eye open, ready to leap out of my hotel bed to make sure my toddler or preschooler doesn’t spontaneously flop out of hers – is that it helps…