Pack This! The KneeGuard for Long Car Trips with Little Ones
When was the last time you had to ride in a car with your legs dangling freely for hours on end? It’s probably been a while since you could relate to the fidgity feeling many children get–and the overwhelming desire to kick at the seat in front of you. But if there’s a road trip in your future with a short-legged passenger behind you, you might both be glad to get the KneeGuard before you go.
Even short trips around town will be more comfortable with the extra support of this car seat footrest that installs easily and the footplate adjusts for both height and foot angle to fit little legs just passing over the car seat edge to the longer legs of your preschooler and kindergartner.

It connects to ISOFIX latch beneath the car seat or booster as well, and has been crash-tested for safety. For use with forward-facing car seats only. Unfortunately this does not have FAA-approval for use in aircraft–where it could prove invaluable on long flights–though you might be allowed to use it with your FAA-approved CRS/car seat depending on your airline and flight crew since it is approved for use with car seats by NHTSA. Click here to shop for the KneeGuard at Amazon (thanks for your click-throughs!).
For more Pack This! product recommendations, click here.
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Shelly Rivoli, author of the award-winning Travels with Baby guidebooks
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