The Goodreads + Travels with Baby book giveaway is on!
Are you on Goodreads, the marvelous site where reading enthusiasts can easily share book recommendations and discover new titles–and sometimes score free new books through the Goodreads book giveaways?
I’ll be giving away 5 copies of the new edition Travels with Baby: The Ultimate Guide for Planning Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler through a Goodreads-hosted giveaway during this next month.
Here’s the link to enter to win a copy of Travels with Baby at Goodreads.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Travels with Baby
by Shelly Rivoli
Giveaway ends May 25, 2014.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Feel free to enter to win a copy for yourself–or for a good friend. And good travel karma to any of you who post a review of Travels with Baby or recommend it on Goodreads! 😉
Safe journeys,
Shelly Rivoli, author of the award-winning Travels with Baby guidebooks
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