Delta and Schear family video

What They SHOULD Have Been Discussing on the Delta Flight YouTube Video Where the Family Gets Kicked Off…

Watching the 8-minute YouTube video of Delta Airlines personnel explaining to the Schear family why they must remove their 18-month-old son from his “paid seat” is nothing short of infuriating. But while the video and articles circulating about it are creating enough confusion about what FAA regulations and airline recommendations, including Delta’s, are regarding the…

The "trayblecloth" in action on an airplane seat-back tray.

Pack This! The “Trayblecloth” for Flying Toddlers & Preschoolers–and Ideas for What to Pack in It

When I board an airplane with my kids, it’s hard to know what I want to hit first with my antibacterial hand wipes: The safety belt buckles? The arm rests? Or the fold-out tray where our gadgets and goodies and snacks will inevitably end up? The “Trayblecloth” goes one better than a wipe–at least where…

airplane bassinet for infant

Flying with Infants: Checklist for Getting an Airplane Bassinet

Flying with infants in airplane bassinets or skycots – If you have an overseas flight with an infant in your future, chances are you’re hoping to take advantage of the airplane bassinets available on some long-haul flights. If so, a few quick words of advice: “Don’t assume anything.” Truth is, it’s a lot easier to…

When SHOULD you take advantage of family pre-boarding?

When SHOULD you take advantage of family pre-boarding?

If you’ll be flying with an energetic toddler, there are a few things you might rather do with the extra time you’d spend together in the airplane if you opt for family pre-boarding; undergoing root canal work may be among them. But while many parents and seasoned travelers are quick to say, “Wait as long…

baby flying rear-facing in car seat on airplane

Should the FAA force parents to buy seats for babies and toddlers?

Join the conversation! Please, share your own thoughts on this with a comment below this post. In case you haven’t yet heard, there is a petition circulating in an effort to end the practice of allowing babies and toddlers less than 2 years old to fly as “lap children” on airplanes in the U.S.  While…