Baby looking out airplane window at airport

The Best Tips for Flying with a Baby or Toddler (Written by a Human and Mother of 3!)

If you’ll be flying with a baby soon (or a toddler or preschooler–or any combination thereof), I’m glad you’re here! For more than 15 years, I’ve helped answer the real questions parents ask when preparing for travel with babies and young children (more about me here.) This page (written by a human, mother of 3,…

Binder clips? Very helpful for Travel with a baby in Bangkok.

5 Things You Might Not Think to Pack for Travel with Babies and Toddlers

Traveling with babies and small children gets easier with time–and with a few clever additions to your packing list. Here are five unexpected items I’ve come to appreciate that you might also want to pack for travel with babies and toddlers. (This post contains affiliate links–thanks for your support!) 1. Large binder clips Fantastic for…

family biking in Yosemite National Park

Tips for biking Yosemite National Park with a baby, toddler, or young children

  Are you looking forward to biking Yosemite with your baby or young children in the new year? This is the post for you! (Updated for 2022. Post contains affiliate links.) I’ve long been a fan of John Lennon’s song “Imagine,” but on a certain pre-birthday trip to Yosemite I began to take serious issue…