Family Road Trip Safety Packing List (with Printable)

Family Road Trip Safety Packing List (with Printable)

Be road-trip ready with this family road trip safety packing list. It’s all too easy to assume our smartphones will help us out of any difficulty we may encounter on a family road trip. But not only can those smart-when-they-work gadgets lose signal the moment you really begin to rely on that navigation–or need to…

checking in safety checklist for travel with babies and toddlers

Checking-In Safety List | Checklist for Travel with Babies and Toddlers

THE CHECKING-IN SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR TRAVEL WITH BABIES AND TODDLERS A parent’s cautionary tale with printable (checklist below). Once upon a time in L.A.: We entered a thoroughly modern hotel room to find someone had indeed brought us a pack ‘n play as requested. However, he had set it up directly beneath an enormous light…

holiday travel with baby tips

Holiday Travel with Babies and Toddlers: Tips for Staying Safe (and Sane) with Friends and Family

For safer, saner holiday travel with babies and toddlers read this first…Will you be staying in somebody else’s Ho-ho-home for the holidays this year? If you’re like many families gearing up for holiday travel with babies and toddlers, you might be looking forward some extra helping hands, home-cooked meals, and accommodations where you’ll have all the…

flat travel night light

Pack This! The flat, easy-packing travel night light

Shower caps, hair conditioner, ironing board–towels for more than two people? You never know what might be missing from your next hotel room. But chances are pretty good there will not be a night light waiting for you. When you travel with children and babies, this little convenience can make a big difference in your…

Pack This! Halo Sleepsack for safer, saner travel with a baby

Pack This! Halo Sleepsack for safer, saner travel with a baby

I was chatting with a mom just the other day and, before I knew it, I’d come out with at least 3 reasons I loved to use a Halo Sleepsack during travel with a baby-through-early-toddler. Here’s the top one. You might already know it as a safe solution to blankets for back-sleeping babies, but during…