Five easy ways to fuel romance…on a family vacation?!

Five easy ways to fuel romance…on a family vacation?!

Traveling with babies and young children can present many logistical challenges. Keeping that spark of romance alive and well, let alone fanning it into a flame during a family vacation, may sound like a ridiculous proposition on top of everything else to negotiate. Still, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in traveling with a baby,…

Mom and Dad in sea kayak, Jamaica: Amazing how a little time together without the kids can help get you back in synch with your partner

Why and how to book a screened hotel babysitter or temporary nanny for your family vacation

Last month I addressed ways to help fit more travel into your family’s new year. Today? A helpful hint on fitting a little more ROMANCE into your family travels as well. If you can’t hop the next flight to Franklyn D. Resort in Jamaica, where an all-inclusive vacation includes your family’s own personal vacation nanny…