Search Results for: temperament

Use your glovebox for quick-access storage of diapers and travel-size wipes for front seat diaper changes.

Tips for changing diapers during road trips with baby

Having survived thousands of miles of road trips with diaper-clad co-pilots, I can tell you one thing with certainty: diaper changing facilities are few and far between along America’s great highways. Rest Areas are generally not equipped, and it never fails to surprise me how even the fast food restaurant with the 2-story play structure…

best travel strollers and gear for travel with babies and toddlers

Ask Shelly: Is one month too soon to vacation with a newborn infant?

Ask Shelly: Vacation with a newborn?    While this question from an expectant mom is specific to vacationing in Hawaii with a 1-month-old, the general topic of how soon is too soon to plan a vacation with a newborn baby comes up frequently. Parents with maternity or parental leave from work understandably want to make the…

Cost-Saving Tips for Families Packing Checked Suitcases and Baby Gear

Cost-Saving Tips for Families Packing Checked Suitcases and Baby Gear

Ah, the art of packing checked suitcases for a whole family. Most travelers would agree there is an art to packing, but when you find yourself juggling extra diapers, teddy bears, children’s books, baby-friendly sunblock and insect repellent, a car seat and two extra toddler-size outfits for each day of your vacation–all while a helpful little elf manages to…


Vacation Nanny 411: All about FDR Resorts’ ultimate all-inclusive inclusion for families

As I mention in my review of Franklyn D. Resort & Spa, what is particularly appealing about Franklyn D. Resort & Spa (a.k.a. FDR) in Jamaica is that the “all-inclusive inclusions” include a Vacation Nanny assigned exclusively to your family to assist you each day of your stay (and after hours by request). Compared with…

How a horse helped me be a better parent… and traveler
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How a horse helped me be a better parent… and traveler

During my recent “Mommymoon at Miraval” in Tucson, I had the chance to try their unique program called The Equine Experience, where guests work with horses—not in the usual trail riding capacity you might expect at a spa and resort, but in a series of exercises that help you better understand yourself and your own…

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Travels with Baby Tip #17: Travel with Playdough

In Travels with Baby, I recommend playdough as a great help when traveling with highly active children who need a physical outlet for their energy while trapped in transit. But playdough can also be a great “travel toy” for many toddlers and preschoolers, regardless of their temperaments. Just keep one small ball of playdough in…