Search Results for: temperament

travel with cautious child

Temperament and Travel: Advice for Travel with the Cautious Child

Today we continue the “Temperament and Travel” series, featuring bi-weekly advice for traveling with children of each and every temperament. In case you missed them, the previous posts in this series offer advice for Travel with a High-Energy Child.and Travel with a Low-Energy Child, and the previous post with Advice for Travel with the Eager…

travel with eager child

Temperament and Travel: Advice for Travel with the Eager Child

Today we continue the “Temperament and Travel” series, featuring bi-weekly advice for traveling with children of each and every temperament. In case you missed them, the previous posts in this series offer advice for Travel with a High-Energy Child.and Travel with a Low-Energy Child. Today we turn from Activity Levels to that temperament trait that…

low-energy traveler

Temperament and Travel: Advice for Travel with a Low-Energy Child

Today we continue the “Temperament and Travel” series, featuring bi-weekly advice for traveling with children of each and every temperament. In case you missed it, the previous post in this series offers advice for Travel with a High-Energy Child. Today we look at his counterpart, with advice for Travel with a Low-Energy Child. Does this…

Parc de Jeux in Paris

Temperament and Travel: Advice for Travel with a High-Energy Child

As promised, today we kick off the new bi-weekly feature on “Temperament and Travel,” featuring advice for traveling with children of each and every temperament. First up: Advice for travel with a high-energy child. Does this sound like yours? Portrait of the High-Energy Child: Is your child highly active, needing much more physical exercise and…

Aloha Express juice and smoothie truck at Hanalei, Kauai

Travel and Temperament: Tips for traveling with your unique child

TRAVEL AND TEMPERAMENT: Tips for Traveling with Your Unique Child – I am often asked for my “top tip for traveling with young children,” which I think is a lot like asking: “Which is the most important key on a piano’s keyboard?” In addition to all of the important bits to consider, like where to…

wooden travel desk with magnetic travel toys

Five Favorite Travel Toys for Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers

Looking for some helpful new travel toys to keep your little ones busy during your upcoming travels? Here are some of my hand-picked recommendations of travel toys for babies, toddlers, and kids under 5 years. (This post contains affiliate links and your click-throughs help support this site–thank you!)  1. Lamaze Freddie The Firefly Freddie the…